All 2020 memberships were automatically transferred to 2022.
Members (as of April 15, 2022 – bold memberships are confirmed for 2022 – if you initially signed up for DFDF 2020, please get in touch as to whether you are attending in 2022 or not!):
- A.J.
- Alex
- Alexa
- Bamboo
- Bille
- Billy
- Bine 1 of 5
- C.J.
- Daniela
- Emily
- Eva
- Franklin
- Gary
- Gavran
- Goosie
- HanasPanda
- Heike
- Henning
- Ina
- Ju
- Juri
- Katy
- Kjenjo
- Le-Matya
- Matt
- Michael
- Panda
- Rafael
- Robert B.
- Rolf
- Silke
- Silva
- Soenke
- Sue
- Sven
- Talea
- Thomas
- Trish
- Sib
- Steve